Financial Performance: Meaning, Analysis, Indicators, Ratios

Contents: Income Statement Understanding Financial Performance How to Measure and Improve Financial Performance of a Business How Eight Sleep consolidated their finance stack and launched a new product with Ramp What Are Financial KPIs? Both cash flow and profit determine the financial performance of a company and therefore, they are the key factors to be […]

8 Top Free Accounting & Bookkeeping Software Apps for 2022

As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports. You can import data from another accounting system in bulk via CSV files once you’ve done some initial set up in Xero. That includes the chart of accounts, invoices, bills, contacts […]

Company Trucking Invoice Template

Content Create this Invoice below Trucking Always Add Details The road has been traveled, the load has been hauled, and you’re ready to collect payment. With resources like the FreshBooks transportation invoice template, it is possible to get the billing job done right Free Trucking Invoice Template from the very beginning. Sending trucking invoices should […]

IRS Receipts Requirements: What You Need to Know Bench Accounting

Content Time Frame Tips to reconstruct your records: Benefits of written contracts How To Keep Expense Records It’s typically a good idea to save receipts from the past six years. In addition to scanning paper receipts, put any digital receipts that may have been sent to your email or phone in this folder as well. […]

Benefits of LLC Electing S Corporation Tax Status

Operating under its home state’s corporation statutes, it establishes a board of directors and corporate officers, bylaws, and a management structure. Its owners cannot be held personally or financially liable for claims by creditors or against the company. Generally, a late S Corporation election is effective for the next tax year. Relief for late election […]